
Showing posts with label chromebook inventory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chromebook inventory. Show all posts

Chromebook Getter - Free Replacement for Chromebook Inventory Tool

The Chromebook Inventory Tool is/was an extremely useful tool for G Suite Admins to make managing and updated their Chromebooks easier. However, it will not work after July 16th due to changes to Google's Sheets API.

I just learned about a free alternative, Chromebook Getter, that was developed for the education community as a replacement.

It performs the same basic operations as the CIT:

  • Extract Chromebook device info from Admin Console to Google Sheets (only for super admins and Chromebooks that are managed).
  • Modify data and sync back into Admin Console. 
  • Search device info easier and faster. 
  • Export your entire inventory, or just an OU of Chrome devices into a Google Sheet, including all of the following metadata: etag, Org Unit Path, Serial Number, Platform Version, Device Id, Status, Last Enrollment Time, Firmware Version, Last Sync, OS Version, Boot Mode, Annotated Location', Notes, and Annotated User
  • Device export options include the ability to filter by enrollment date (Past hour, Past day, Past week, or Between specific dates).
  • Make edits to "Annotated Location","Notes", and "Annotated User" and bulk update the devices in your Chrome console directly from this spreadsheet.

It is an Add-On for Google Sheets, easy to install and use. 

Take a look and try out Chromebook Getter.

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